Home » Enhance mood and focus with music

Enhance mood and focus with music

A photo showing an audio control device
Photo credit Mark Richardson

Using music to enhance mood and focus

Music or soundscapes can be helpful in the workplace for a few reasons: music can help block out distracting sounds such as co-workers or other office sounds, it can also lift up your mood to motivate you, and it can also help you concentrate on more repetitive tasks without getting bored too quickly. Some things to consider trying:

1. Music that has less variation. Music or soundscapes with too much variation, such as very rhythmic music or birdsong sounds, can make it hard for us to focus because there is too much going on.

2. Consider also music that is more instrumental. We are really sensitive to singing and talking.

3. Or maybe work with no music at all! Some pieces of work have too many moving parts for us to be able to focus on music too. Consider listening to some natural soundscapes, like white noise or rain sounds that you can easily find on YouTube, or maybe consider moving somewhere quieter or keeping your headphones on if there is still too much noise!

Music for concentration

Focus @ will https://www.focusatwill.com/
Different playlist with different types of music designed to help you focus, depending on what you are looking for and the task you are working on

BrainFM https://brain.fm/
This music is designed to help you find deep focus in 15 minutes

Coffitivity https://coffitivity.com/
White noise from coffee shop chatter.

Nature Sounds for Me http://naturesoundsfor.me/
Nature sounds

Moodil https://www.moodil.com/
Nature sounds

Generative music www.generativee.fm
Ambient music